
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Recording Industry Association of America and You: Manager or Recording Artist

The Recording Industry Association of America is a valuable resource for managers and recording artist. This association provides statistical data that shows where the record industry is as a whole. On the website it gives people the opportunity to learn more about what is going on in the industry through the Music Notes blog and the RIAA newsroom. It also gives information about when records receive Gold or Platinum reviews. You can sign up for newsletters and get the latest information of the current happenings in the music industry. The website also provides a list of legal music services that consumers can use to listen to music with a wide variety of choices.

            The RIAA provides information on the performance of the industry. Students, artist managers and recording artists can review the Annual Consumer Profiles that the RIAA releases. These Consumer Profiles are very useful in determining what genres are performing well and what the market trends are within a particular genre. This is done through looking through 10 years of data and listing all 13 genres of music. The consumer profile compares against formats on which music is distributed for example CDs, DVD Audio etc.

            This can be useful for managers because they can keep a watchful eye on how there particular genre is performing in the industry. They can also find out what is really selling digital downloads or physical. Mangers can also find out what is affecting the sales of their particular artist meaning the trends in the age ranges of individuals who listen to their music. Through the consumer profile on the RIAA website it also measures the overall size of the U.S. Recording Industry. For recording artist this could be a useful website to see how their particular genre is trending and what market the music is most effective in.

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Hip-Hop Project 88.7 FM WLUW: Interview: City of Win

The Hip-Hop Project 88.7 FM WLUW: Interview: City of Win: Nearly 30 people, 6 mics. 20 track mixtape. 2 hours. An interview that left us feeling like we ran a marathon. Grab it here. #CityOfWin S…
Thaddeus E. Ray pictured upper right with Dave Coresh

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Focus On The "Why" Inspiration From Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek explains on many levels how companies, community leaders, and innovators have accomplished their goals. In this TED conversation, he explains his theory on how these companies, community leaders, and innovators have inspired people to either believe in there products, there beliefs or their inventions. Sinek explains that there is a formula that explains what made these individuals stand out from the rest. He states that these people had competitors that had more resources and knowledge yet lacked one simple aspect. What they lacked was the inner workings of how these individuals thought. Sinek believes that they worked from the inside out instead of the outside in. He calls this the golden circle.

The inside out is the why, how and what and the outside in is What, How, Why. The Majority works with the outside in the golden circle concept. Sinek states that people buy why you do something. Getting people to believe in what you believe is what inspires people to pay attention to you and what you are about. He used many examples from how Martin Luther King got 250,000 people to come and listen to him speak on a hot August day and how the Wright Brothers took flight before a popular innovator who had connections, wealth and the press following him around.

For recording artist it is important to remember the why in your pursuit to becoming successful in the music industry. There are many artists who want to do the same thing you want to do, get people to listen and buy your music. You have to have the ability to inspire people and get them to believe in you. That’s the difference between a Justin Bieber and a Soulja Boy for long-term success. Becoming a superstar involves getting people to believe in the “Why” of your golden circle. For me and for all other managers it is important to focus on the why of your endeavors and strive to inspire others to become the best that they can be.